Sharing beberapa video sharing

Setelah sekian lama gak post apapun di blog ini, kali ini saya hanya akan menulis beberapa link video sharing mengenai machine learning saya di youtube yang pernah saya lakukan di 2017 di blibli, deep learning summit, dan di bukalapak.

Tulisan mengenai penjelasan masing-masing video menyusul mungkin di blog ini atau di medium blibli hehe.. kali ini hanya share link nya saja. Continue reading

What is Deep Learning ??

This article basically just a translation version of the article of deep learning previously in bahasa Indonesia.

This time I want to share about what is deep learning, at least as far as I have learned untul this day (when this article was made). Before I have tried to created a startup company that tried to implement machine learning and deep learning algorithm engine that we made (with my friend).

Many references that we can use on deep learning, especially from big companies such as google, facebook, Baidu, microsoft, amazon, nvidia and others. What was Deep Learning? how important or how valuable deep learning? especially for business, who figures that a lot of research or build deep learning? And why me and my friends want to build their own engine for machine learning before? not a lot of framework, libraries and services (especially such as azure and aws) for machine learning? (when this article was made)

I will not answer all of the questions above, because it will take time to write hahaha, I write as my fingers Moves hahaha Continue reading

Cara Running Aplikasi Learning Branching GIT di komputer lokal kita

Dulu saya pernah menulis artikel tentang git di page blog geek studio, saya copy artikel tersebut dari sini.

Dalam software development kita biasa menggunakan versioning control system seperti svn, git, mercurial, kenai, dan lain-lain. Yang cukup populer adalah git, ditambah karena git merupakan distributed VCS. Namun tentu kita perlu mempelajari bagaimana menggunakan git dengan efisien dan efektif, dan saya sendiri lebih menyukai menggunakan git via terminal atau console, karena lebih sederhana. Kalau menggunakan aplikasi tertentu (client apps) sepertinya terlihat ribet karena tombol atau fiturnya menjadi terlihat sangat banyak, padahal kalau menggunakan $git –help itu hanya sekitar 22 opsi (dan nanti ditambah argumen2 yang diperlukan) lebih sederhana. Continue reading

Backpropagation and Deep Neural Network engine

After discuss with my friend Eko kurniawan, finally we share our deep learning engine project to github. So you can try the engine or contribute to develop the engine (we hope there are a lot of people interested with this project).

Our project started in 2015 when we tried to create a startup company that concern with data analytics or data science. We trying to create the general engine for deep neural network that able to customize the stack of methods, so can be fit with some cases in the real world. And I used this engine for my theses in ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung) to finished my study in master of informatics (computer science) program.

I hope this engine can be use to resolve a lot of problem that need machine learning implementation, especially for automation system. We call this project “DEEPWISSEN”, hope it will be usefull.

*before, I have explained about Deep Learning in an article in this blog using Bahasa Indonesia :

or in english :


You can check the project repo in this link :

and for the jar :

Pengetahuan, Mesin, dan Manusia

Ada yg tanya knp tertarik dengan machine learning. Sederhananya karena saya pikir Engine Machine Learning tercanggih adalah otak kita (sepertinya semua berfikir hal yg sama), dengan sensor 5 indra yang kita miliki sebagai penangkap input, setelah itu kita dapat melakukan identifikasi aksi yang akan kita berikan.

Engine tersebut trs dilatih dan terus belajar, improving dan konsisten terhadap experiences yang kita dapat hingga saat ini. Jika experiences yang kita dapatkan buruk (tidak valid) maka pengetahuan yg dibentukpun akan buruk. Itu kenapa kita membutuhkan guru dan referensi yg baik dan benar dalam belajar, untuk memvalidasi informasi yang sudah kita dapatkan.

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